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VI Peel Treatments- Chemical Peel

Chemical peels

Chemical Peels For all Skin Types

Chemical peels are a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, uneven skin tones, and acne.​​

During a chemical peel, a gentle acid is applied to the skin. This acid creates a chemical reaction that helps break down the outermost layers of the skin, removing dead skin cells an revealing fresher, more vibrant and youthful looking skin.

What Does a Chemical peel Do?

Chemical peels are a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, uneven skin tones, and acne.

  • Softens fine lines & combats wrinkles

  • Balances skin for fewer breakouts

  • Reduces the appearance of post-acne scarring

  • Minimizes sun spots

  • Tightens and brightens skin

  • Stimulates collagen regeneration

Skin Of Colour, Homones And Chemical Peels

Hormones can impact the appearance of your skin especially skin of color.

THE GOOD NEWS: Hormones are no match for the VI Peel! 

Not all chemical peels are created the same!

​VI Peels are painless, safe and effective, created for all skin tones, and have minimal downtime - 7 days or less.     

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal fluctuations can trigger an increase in melanin and therefore hyperpigmentation, also known as melasma.



Hormonal Acne

Darker skin tones are more susceptible to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and acne scarring.

Say Goodbye To Sun Spots And Sun Damage With VI Peel Precision Plus 


​​By stimulating cellular turnover, a VI Peel Body Treatment encourages skin cells to replenish more quickly, repairing existing sun damage.​


Lightens pigmentation caused from the sun, removes damaged skin cells and as a bonus smoothes fine lines and wrinkles!

Skin Peels Aurora Co
skin peels for clear skin

For active hormonal acne, opt for the VI Peel Purify. 

For acne + existing scarring or pigmentation, opt for the VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus. 

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