VI Peel Treatments- Chemical Peel

Chemical Peels For all Skin Types
Chemical peels are a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, uneven skin tones, and acne.​​
During a chemical peel, a gentle acid is applied to the skin. This acid creates a chemical reaction that helps break down the outermost layers of the skin, removing dead skin cells an revealing fresher, more vibrant and youthful looking skin.
What Does a Chemical peel Do?
Chemical peels are a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, uneven skin tones, and acne.
Softens fine lines & combats wrinkles
Balances skin for fewer breakouts
Reduces the appearance of post-acne scarring
Minimizes sun spots
Tightens and brightens skin
Stimulates collagen regeneration
Skin Of Colour, Homones And Chemical Peels
Hormones can impact the appearance of your skin especially skin of color.
THE GOOD NEWS: Hormones are no match for the VI Peel!
Not all chemical peels are created the same!
​VI Peels are painless, safe and effective, created for all skin tones, and have minimal downtime - 7 days or less.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal fluctuations can trigger an increase in melanin and therefore hyperpigmentation, also known as melasma.
Hormonal Acne
Darker skin tones are more susceptible to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and acne scarring.
Say Goodbye To Sun Spots And Sun Damage With VI Peel Precision Plus
​​By stimulating cellular turnover, a VI Peel Body Treatment encourages skin cells to replenish more quickly, repairing existing sun damage.​
Lightens pigmentation caused from the sun, removes damaged skin cells and as a bonus smoothes fine lines and wrinkles!

For active hormonal acne, opt for the VI Peel Purify.
For acne + existing scarring or pigmentation, opt for the VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus.